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Début Octobre, les États-Unis ont imposé 7,5 milliards de dollars de droits de douane supplémentaires sur tout un éventail de marchandises en provenance des pays de l’UE. Ces nouvelles taxes surviennent après le feu vert de l’Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) à Washington pour des sanctions contre l’UE, en représailles aux subventions accordées à l’avionneur européen Airbus par le passé.

Par conséquent,  des droits de douane supplémentaires seront appliqués , à compter du 18 octobre, sur des produits européens (agricoles/agroalimentaires). Il s’agira de droits “ad valorem”, de 25 % qui viennent s’ajouter aux droits appliqués actuellement.

Par exemple : pour un produit auquel s’applique normalement un taux de droit de 20 %, le taux qui s’appliquera sera de 20 % + 25 % = 45 %.

Un tableau récapitulatif (cf. plus bas) a été communiqué par le Service agricole de l’Ambassade de France aux États-Unis. Ce tableau reprend les lignes tarifaires concernées, avec le taux additionnel qui s’applique. Le même service conseille de vérifier si les produits exportés sont inclus dans cette liste. 

0403 Babeurre, lait et crème caillés, yoghourt, et assimilés
0403.10.50 Yogurt, in dry form, whether or not flavored or containing add fruit or cocoa, not subject to gen nte 15 or add. US nte 10 to Ch.4
0403.90.85  Fermented milk o/than dried fermented milk or o/than dried milk with added lactic ferments
0403.90.90  Curdled milk/cream/kephir & other fermented or acid. milk/cream subject to add US note 10 to Ch.4
0405 Beurre et autres matières grasses provenant du lait
0405.20.20  Butter substitute dairy spreads, over 45% butterfat weight, subject to quota pursuant to chapter 4 additional US note 14
0405.20.30  Butter substitute dairy spreads, over 45% butterfat weight, not subj to gen note 15 and in excess of quota in ch. 4 additional US note 14
0405.20.80  Other dairy spreads, not butter substitutes or of a type provided for in chapter 4 additional US note 1
0406 Fromages
0406.10.28 Fresh (unripened/uncured) cheddar cheese, cheese/subs for cheese cont or proc from cheddar cheese, not subj to Ch4 US note 18, not GN15
0406.10.54  Fresh (unripened/uncured) Italian-type cheeses from cow milk, cheese/substitutes cont or proc therefrom, subj to Ch4 US nte 21, not GN15
0406.10.58  Fresh (unripened/uncured) Italian-type cheeses from cow milk, cheese/substitutes cont or proc therefrom, not subj to Ch4 US note 21 or GN15
0406.10.68 Fresh (unripened/uncured) Swiss/emmentaler cheeses exc eye formation, gruyere-process cheese and cheese cont or proc. from such, not subj ..
0406.20.51  Romano, reggiano, provolone, provoletti, sbrinz and goya, made from cow’s milk, grated or powdered, subject to add US note 21 to Ch.4
0406.20.53  Romano, reggiano, provolone, provoletti, sbrinz and goya, made from cow’s milk, grated or powdered, not subj to Ch4 US nte 21 or GN15
0406.20.69 Cheese containing or processed from american-type cheese (except cheddar), grated or powdered, subject to add US note 19 to Ch. 4
0406.20.77  Cheese containing or processed from Italian-type cheeses made from cow’s milk, grated or powdered, subject to add US note 21 to Ch. 4
0406.20.79  Cheese containing or processed from Italian-type cheeses made from cow’s milk, grated or powdered, not subject to add US note 21 to Ch. 4
0406.20.87  Cheese (including mixtures), nesoi, n/o 0.5% by wt. of butterfat, grated or powdered, not subject to add US note 23 to Ch. 4
0406.20.91 Cheese (including mixtures), nesoi, o/0.5% by wt of butterfat, w/cow’s milk, grated or powdered, not subject to add US note 16 to Ch. 4
0406.30.05 Stilton cheese, processed, not grated or powdered, subject to add US note 24 to Ch. 4
0406.30.18 Blue-veined cheese (except roquefort), processed, not grated or powdered, not subject to gen. note 15 or add. US note 17 to Ch. 4
0406.30.28 Cheddar cheese, processed, not grated or powdered, not subject to gen note 15 or in add US note 18 to Ch. 4
0406.30.34 Colby cheese, processed, not grated or powdered, subject to add US note 19 to Ch. 4
0406.30.38 Colby cheese, processed, not grated or powdered, not subject to gen note 15 or add US note 19 to Ch. 4
0406.30.55  Processed cheeses made from sheep’s milk, including mixtures of such cheeses, not grated or powdered
0406.30.69 Processed cheese cont/procd fr american-type cheese (ex cheddar), not grated/powdered, subject to add US note 19 to Ch. 4, not GN15
0406.30.79  Processed cheese cont/procd from Italian-type, not grated/powdered, not subject to add US note 21 to Ch. 4, not GN15
0406.30.85  Processed cheese (incl. mixtures), nesoi, n/o 0.5% by wt. butterfat, not grated or powdered, subject to Ch4 US note 23, not GN15
0406.40.44 Stilton cheese, nesoi, in original loaves, subject to add. US note 24 to Ch. 4
0406.40.48 Stilton cheese, nesoi, not in original loaves, subject to add. US note 24 to Ch. 4
0406.90.32 Goya cheese from cow’s milk, not in original loaves, nesoi, not subject to gen. note 15 or to add. US note 21 to Ch. 4
0406.90.43  Reggiano, Parmesan, Provolone, and Provoletti cheese, nesoi, not from cow’s milk, not subject to gen. note 15
0406.90.52 Colby cheese, nesoi, subject to add. US note 19 to Ch. 4 and entered pursuant to its provisions
0406.90.54 Colby cheese, nesoi, not subject to gen. note 15 or to add. US note 19 to Ch. 4
0406.90.68  Cheeses & subst. for cheese(incl. mixt.), nesoi, w/romano/reggiano/parmesan/provolone/etc, f/cow milk, not subj. Ch4 US note 21, not GN15
0406.90.72 Cheeses & subst. for cheese (incl. mixt.), nesoi, w/ or from blue-veined cheese, subj. to add. US note 17 to Ch.4, not GN15
0406.90.74 Cheeses & subst. for cheese (incl. mixt.), nesoi, w/ or from blue-veined cheese, not subj. to add. US note 17 to Ch.4, not GN15
0406.90.78 Cheeses & subst. for cheese (incl. mixt.), nesoi, w/ or from cheddar cheese, not subj. to add. US note 18 to Ch.4, not GN15
0406.90.82 Cheeses & subst. for cheese (incl. mixt.), nesoi, w/ or from Am. cheese except cheddar, subj. to add. US note 19 to Ch.4, not GN15
0406.90.92 Cheeses & subst. for cheese (incl. mixt.), nesoi, w/ or from swiss, emmentaler or gruyere, not subj. Ch4 US note 22, not GN15
0406.90.94 Cheeses & subst. for cheese (incl. mixt.), nesoi, w/butterfat n/o 0.5% by wt, not subject to add. US note 23 to Ch. 4, not GN15
0711 Olives de tables
0711.20.18  Olives, n/pitted, green, in saline sol., in contain. > 8 kg, drained wt, for repacking or sale, subject to add. US note 5 to Ch. 7
0711.20.28  Olives, n/pitted, green, in saline sol., in contain. > 8 kg, drained wt, for repacking or sale, not subject to add. US note 5 to Ch. 7
0711.20.38  Olives, n/pitted, nesoi
0711.20.40  Olives, pitted or stuffed, provisionally preserved but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption
0805 Agrumes, frais ou séchés
0805.10.00 Oranges, fresh or dried
0805.21.00 Mandarins and other similar citrus hybrids including tangerines, satsumas, clementines, wilkings, fresh or dried
0805.22.00 Clementines, fresh or dried, other
0805.50.20 Lemons, fresh or dried
0812.10.00  Cherries, provisionally preserved, but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption
0813.40.30  Cherries, dried
1602 Préparations de viande porcine
1602.41.90  Prepared or preserved pork hams and cuts thereof, not containing cereals or vegetables, nesoi
1602.42.20  Pork shoulders and cuts thereof, boned and cooked and packed in airtight containers
1602.42.40  Prepared or preserved pork shoulders and cuts thereof, other than boned and cooked and packed in airtight containers
1602.49.10  Prepared or preserved pork offal, including mixtures
1602.49.40  Prepared or preserved pork, not containing cereals or vegetables, nesoi
1602.49.90  Prepared or preserved pork, nesoi
1605 Préparations de crustacés et fruits de mer
1605.53.05 Mussels, containing fish meats or in prepared meals
1605.56.05 Products of clams, cockles, and arkshells containing fish meat; prepared meals
1605.56.10 Razor clams, in airtight containers, prepared or preserved, nesoi
1605.56.15 Boiled clams in immediate airtight containers, the contents of which do not exceed 680 g gross weight
1605.56.20 Clams, prepared or preserved, excluding boiled clams, in immediate airtight containers, nesoi
1605.56.30 Clams, prepared or preserved, other than in airtight containers
1605.56.60 Cockles and arkshells, prepared or preserved
1605.59.05 Products of molluscs nesoi containing fish meat; prepared meals of molluscs nesoi
1605.59.60 Molluscs nesoi, prepared or preserved
2005 Olives de table
2005.70.08 Olives, green, not pitted, in saline, not ripe, in containers holding o/8 kg for repkg, not subject to add. US note 4 to Ch. 20
2005.70.16 Olives, green, in saline, place packed, stuffed, in containers holding n/o 1 kg, aggregate quantity n/o 2700 m ton/yr
2005.70.23 Olives, green, in saline, place packed, stuffed, not in containers holding 1 kg or less
2204 Vins tranquilles
2204.21.50 Wine other than Tokay (not carbonated), not over 14% alcohol, in containers not over 2 liters

Pour plus d’informations :
Application par les Etats-Unis de droits de douane supplémentaires en application du panel OMC Airbus [États-Unis]