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Scientific Advice

Compare your vision with our scientific experts.

30 years of experience in innovation

We perform the following tasks:

  • Strategic support
  • Due diligence, scientific audit
  • Literature reviews, overviews, scientific reviews, drafting and publishing scientific articles
  • Assessment, assembling and storage of scientific regulatory files: Novel Food, FAT (USA), FSMPs…
  • Research and selecting suppliers: clinical and preclinical trials, analysis platforms, etc.
  • Interviews from Key Opinion Leaders
  • Implementing communication materials:
    • peer-reviewed scientific articles
    • mainstream scientific articles
    • commercial brochures
    • technical files, R&D tax credit files

20 people, 15 of which are engineers and doctors, with 30 years of experience in innovation.

Plants Decree: your safety responsibilities

Do you produce and sell plant-based food supplements and you are wondering if you need to set up a safety record to comply with the regulatory requirements?

Do you develop and produce plant extracts for the food supplement industry and you want to guarantee the safety and quality of your ingredients to your clients?

The “Plants” decree of 24 June 2014 requires manufacturers to present the authorities with a file compiling the information listed in appendix III with the aim to guarantee the safety of plant preparations (toxicological data, substance dosages to monitor, expected exposure level, risk analysis etc.).

Our team is on hand to:

  • Evaluate the traditional or non traditional plant preparations  used in food supplements and to identify the existing risk (preliminary study)
  • If necessary, provide safety records in accordance with appendix III of the Plants Decree

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Advice Division Manager