Our team of engineers is at your service to organize the implementation of a search solution procedure to give life to your products in the field of the food industry, nutrition products, dietary supplements and FSMP products.
Carrying out a feasibility study of your industrial project: analysis of needs, type of technologies, volumes and size of series to produce, type of packaging, etc.
Structuring your industrialization process in order to make the implementation of a reliable outsourced manufacturing process possible. This industrial organization will provide your management with service reliability. For quality and competitive products our engineers select the best manufacturers with adapted and upgradeable tools.
Drafting of a professional framework adapted to your needs including: specifications of your product, technical manufacturing files, ingredient lists, nutritional profile, allergens, etc. These will provide your marketing with solid and validated elements in order to best enhance your products.
Control for your integrated management account of your initial production, and for the following if you wish, of the Supply Chain operations.

You wish to Contact us
Vincent JEGU
Production and Industrial Transfer Management Division Manager